Wonderful Info Overload

by , under FOUND


Larger version here

More charts here

  1. Lila B

    Oh look my project is a little sub-section.

    And the primary/secondary colours are still wrong. I just can’t win.

    • Tony

      It need not be about how many subjects are covered—this is info overload! A fun artifact but not the goal.

  2. Caitlin L

    These graphs are so cool! (there goes the rest of my evening looking at Star Wars graphs)

  3. J Smith

    This is very interesting to see. Of course when you look at information, you want it to be straight forward and easy to read. Designers create images based around this idea, so you never get to see an “overload” of this sort. Pretty amazing, its an overload but still..easy to read somehow.

  4. Noah

    Looking through all of this info a little late but none the less, the ‘beard trustworthiness’ graph is the best thing I’ve seen in quite a while!