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by , under 200 level survey, 400 level transmedia

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the blog Brain Pickings, written by Maria Popova, you should get familiarizing. It’s a great source for all types of creatives trying to tackle the creative process. There have been a number of posts there that have great answers to the question posed in “How do you begin?”


The main reason I’m posting today is to share a recent post from Brian Pickings with Tony’s 8am class as well as my classmates in the survey. I know the seniors have been exploring infographics and I thought you all might find a lot to take away from the blog post.  It mainly focuses on David Byrne’s introduction to a recent book on infographics, The Best American Infographics 2013.

My classmates in the survey class should check out the post as well. It could inspire some interesting approaches to our current instructional design project.

Segue into discussion

In yesterday’s out of class classmate discussion, we shared books, magazines, and image catalogs that we all use as sources for design.  As I said, Brain Pickings is a great blog for all creative types.  I just wanted to open up the conversation on the blog as well.  Are there any books, websites, etc. that you would like to share?  Websites that feature a wide range of graphic design that I use are  Behance Served Sites and Creative Roots.  Also, I really take a lot away from the podcast Design Matters with Debbie Millman. It’s a “thought-provoking internet podcast, which profiles industry-leading graphic designers, change agents, artists, writers and educators.”  It’s been going on for a number of years and has built up a huge resource of interviews packed full of information.

Are there any sources you would like to share?

  1. Hannah Fabian

    I am a big fan of It allows you to see interdisciplinary connections.

  2. Mallory Gibbons

    Thank you, Jake. The 8 am class appreciates you.
    Happy Hump-day everyone! Here’s a happy little blog filled with “lovely little lies from a hungry graphic designer.”

  3. Andrea Gottardy

    Thanks for the post, Jake. I highly recommend you check out for multiple reasons. It forces you to self reflect on your own process while reading about others who have more advice and experience than yourself. Oftentimes the designers (or photographers or developers) have favorite references that they include in their interview as well. It also is a really beautifully designed site. Gives you a good boost of creative energy without just scrolling through “design inspiration sites” that aren’t engaging or thoughtful.

  4. Michelle Caudill

    Hey Jake! (and all)
    I really love seeing things in person and being able to search through and turn pages with my hands so Barnes & Nobles is a hot spot for me. You can find me happily flipping through their books in the art section.

    If you’re at a low on color, can definitely feed some of those cravings. has some pretty nice things.

    And you should TOTALLY check out the design process involved in Absolute Vodka’s new packaging. It’s fantastic–and so is the site it’s on: